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KMID : 0385520180310050201
Analytical Science & Technology
2018 Volume.31 No. 5 p.201 ~ p.207
Comparative study of serological detection methods on old bloodstain samples
Lee Min-Ji

Ahn Eu-Ree
Kim Da-Hye
Shin Hee-Jin
Jung Ju-Yeon
Lee Seong-Jin
Chun Byung-Won
Blood is a commonly found body fluid at crime scenes, and plays an important role in identifying suspects and in the reconstruction of crime scenes. Although serological detection of blood has been widely used in the field of forensic science, research on the detection of old bloodstains is scarce. This work aimed to compare various methods for the detection of old bloodstains and validate the reliability of their results.
Four presumptive tests?Tetramethylbenzidine, Bluestar¢ç, Leucomalachite Green, Kastle-Meyer tests?and two confirmatory tests?Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) and Rapid Stain Identification¢â-Blood (RSID¢â-Blood) tests? were compared. Bloodstain samples from post-mortem cases were collected on gauzes and then stored at room temperature for periods from 7 to 30 years. All the presumptive tests were positive, even for the 30-year-old sample. However, FOB and RSID¢â-Blood provided false negative results for some samples stored for 17 years or more (1988 to 2001). The results indicate that FOB and RSID¢â-Blood are not reliable for the detection of old bloodstains. These findings can be useful in the selection of an appropriate detection method for serological testing of old bloodstains. In addition, the information will be useful background knowledge when applied in the field of forensic practice.
old bloodstain , serological detection , presumptive test , confirmatory test
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